
Delivery Time: For Air freight to Lagos we deliver within 7-10 business days (estimated) from flight departure date, for  Sea freight, we deliver within 30  business days from sail date . Please note that delivery time is estimated but usually accurate,  although it is rare but we may encounter unforeseen circumstances that may cause delay.

Note: For Sea Freight ,  collection date is different from loading date and sail date. Please start counting the days from sail date. For Air Freight, Collection date is different from flight departure date.We will do our best to deliver within the time frame stated by us.

Do you provide Shipping certificates when goods have been exported ? Yes we do once requested. If you are a foriegn buyer with an address outside the European Union, you may be legible for a VAT reduction or you may not need to pay VAT on certain items. Please ask your seller for this trade priviledge.